Thursday, May 28, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Signage #9 / Marty's Surprise

The wife and I occasionally watch American Pickers, a pretty good show about a couple of guys roaming the countryside looking for old and beat up stuff to buy and then sell.  It's amazing how they'll pick something up that looks way past its prime - even rusty and falling apart - and see a diamond in the rough.

This oversized coffee cup reminds me of that concept.  There's a certain beauty in things that are old and beat up, way past their prime, but still standing tall and proud.  There's a bit of nostalgia offered as well.

This pic also turned into one of my favorite Found Edges effects in Photoshop, which will be posted tomorrow...

[continued from yesterday's post; series started 09/05]
Marty Adelman - mentioned a couple of days ago - was by far my favorite guy there at KTRM.  He was a short, ugly fellow but very nice and easy to get along with.  And good on the air, too.  We continued to work together after leaving KTRM, as he took a part-time booth announcing job later at Channel 6 when I was there.

One night Marty was doing his show before I came on, and there was a problem with the network feed.  Whenever it cut out on him, Marty had to get on the air lickety split to cover for the dead air.  Well, on this particular night he had his girlfriend at the station with him, and was cut from network just as his girl decide to crawl under the board and squeeze his knee.  It was hilarious to see him in that emergency mode trying to sound professional while fighting both his laughter and that woman.  But somehow he pulled it off.

My friend Marty

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