Sunday, May 24, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Signage #5 / Air Checks

[continued from yesterday's post; series started 05/09]
Sometimes while at KOBS I would have Brent Holland record parts of my show on his 8-track system at home.  We did this twice; once earlier on and again during my last day on the air (the second time around).  That last day I brought in my own music - borrowed from my brother Allan's collection - and created a special show for the last hour.  I don't know what happened to the first tape, but the second one was later converted to cassette tape, then, decades later, onto a CD.

Recently - in 2016 - this old CD re-surfaced and I decided to listen to this show in the car on the way to church with the wife.  Though proud that I'd had these experiences, and my times as a DJ often provided fodder for stories around the dinner table, after so many years I was shocked at what I sounded like and what actually made it out over the air.  I determined that my kids would never, ever listen to this, and destroyed the CD immediately after returning home.  Must've been in a bad mood.

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