Friday, May 15, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Park Sculpture / Studio Visitor

[continued from yesterday's post; series started on 05/09]
There are many, many adventure associated with my time at KOBS.  I will select a few that stand out...

The Kobs's were very strict in their rules. We were never to have visitors, bring in outside records, depart from the program log, tie up the phone line on personal business, give the phone number out on the air (an odd rule for a radio station that took requests), or leave the station during our program.  I was pretty good about it most of the time, but after being there a while did my share of stretching the boundaries.

I had a friend at the time named Brady Richardson.  He thought it was neat that I was a disk jockey, so one time I invited him out to the station to have a look.  It was a Sunday afternoon and I didn't count on the Kobs family dropping in - they lived in Port Arthur and I'd never seen them there on a Sunday before.  So Brady came by and we were having a grand old time; I was thoroughly enjoying being a big shot and showing off.  In fact I got so bold as to allow him to sit at the console while I went to the restroom.

Well, in one of those rarest of occasions, when the worst of all possible events would be combined by the fates, the Kobs's did stop by, and at the very moment when I was in the restroom and Brady was at the console.  With my headphones on no less.  I popped into the studio to see Mr. Kobs glaring at Brady, his wife and child (the music director) in the lounge on the other side of the glass with astonished expressions on their faces.  All Brady could do was throw up his hands, obviously not knowing what to do.

As for me - I didn't get fired, but didn't take as many changes from then on...

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