Sunday, May 17, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Park Tree Silhouettes / Nap Time

A couple of tree silhouettes from inside the park looking out toward the edge...


[continued from yesterday's post; series started 05/09]
There was another time when I fell asleep during my show.  Mr. Kobs was a very religious man, and though this was a top-40 station on Sunday mornings we were supposed to play classical music albums from sign-on until noon, with a few half-hour syndicated religious programs sprinkled in.  The night before I had been gallivanting till the wee hours with a friend, and had a very difficult time waking up.

I did manage to get to the station in time to sign on, but with that classical music had a real hard time staying awake.  So hard, in fact, that I was not completely successful.  I had just started one side of an album at about 7:45, and the next thing I knew it was something like 8:20!  The album had finished so there was nothing but dead air going out save the rhythmic scratch of the needle as the record wound around and around.  I had slept right through a scheduled PSA and newscast.

The sad fact is that the phone wasn't ringing either - nobody was listening!  Actually we all believed that the Kobs's were the only ones that listened to that Sunday morning show anyway, and they were probably were either at or on the way to church.

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