Sunday, May 31, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Signage #12 / Henry LaRocca at KTRM

This one ticks more boxes - orange and black color combo, of something through something, framed with neat stuff, and a lantern to boot...

[continued from yesterday's post; series started 05/09]
Henry LaRocca was also a very interesting character.  He and I actually became pretty close as friends, to the point of double-dating and visiting each other's homes.  His father was a plumber, and Henry was officially on the payroll and worked to help whenever he could.  But his first love was radio, and boy was he good on the air...he had an excellent, deep voice for radio and possessed a quick wit that entertained his listeners and helped to develop quite a following.

Henry also was a good guy at heart, but didn't have many real friends (I didn't either my junior year in high school, being new to Beaumont and BCP) so we spent a lot of time together.  It's interesting that later on our shows went head-to-head in competition with each other, after I moved to KLVI, and our friendship waned after that.  But I'll always remember my association with him as a positive thing, and wish him the best in whatever he's done with his life.

Henry LaRocca - just a teenager like myself

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