Saturday, August 31, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - Taitung Area, Driftwood with Rocks on Beach

Before crossing the bridge, however, there was plenty of time to explore the awesome beach.  I say "awesome" because instead of sand it had rocks leading down to the water (I don't like sand on a beach).  Also, there was very little wind, something else I don't care for on a beach.  So this one was not only tolerable, but fun to explore.

Something that caught our attention were the rocks placed on the larger driftwood here and there.  Not sure what the significance is of piling on rocks, but it's a evidently a phenomenon seen all over the world; posted here are rocks placed on Enchanted Rock in Central Texas, these were found in the Davis Mountains of far West Texas, and here we have a trailside memorial to honor a fallen hiker.

Two perspectives below of the same thing done on a different piece of driftwood:

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