Saturday, August 10, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - New Taipei Hillside Hike, Painted Steps

The place where we stayed the last few visits in Taiwan has been really ideal, and we hope to base there regularly in the future.  It's an apartment owned by our sister-in-law, and since she and her husband live here in the States we generally have the place to ourselves while there.  The building is nestled between the well-manicured Chihlee University of Technology and this pathway, with the Awesome New Taipei Garden near the base of the climb.  To meander in this direction, one would not know that right next door is one of the largest cities in the world.  Go the other way, however, and the city awaits, with its hustle-and-bustle Far East traffic; constant din of buses, subway cars and market hawkers; and the grime and smells of urban life.  The proximity of this city life to our present location was emphasized in this post from 2020.

This and the following dozen or so posts will be alongside this pathway as it winds its way to the top of the hill, or in the immediate vicinity surrounding our "home away from home".

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