Thursday, August 1, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - New Taipei, Awesome Garden Blue Flower #2

It can be seen here that the glowing center emanates from the backlit morning sun.  As often happens in my kind of photography, these effects are not purposeful; I was simply interested in capturing the water droplets on the petals while the most impressive quality of the photo just happened to be there.  And since I was not there by myself, many of these garden images were taken "on the fly" - that is, while hurriedly walking along a trail and at the same time keeping up with the company.

This is a testament to the superiority of a DSLR as compared to a phone camera.  It would have taken a little longer to compose and focus a shot like this with the iPhone, while the super-fast and intuitive features of a DSLR allows for these on-the-fly pictures to be captured literally while on the move.

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