Monday, July 20, 2020

Austin - Capitol Building Interior, Chilling Monks

Was shooting interiors in one of the chambers - House or Senate, don't remember which - when these guys were basically chilling, watching people or whatever interested them.  This is when I took a leap and initiated a conversation, which was hard for me...what do you say to a monk?

What do you say to a monk?  They are so different in most every way - their appearance, their obvious religious devotion and subsequent peaceful, - well, monk-like - demeanor, the way they swish about in those long, flowing robes.  Not to mention language.  Where are these guys from, and do they even speak English?

Turned out very little, at least with these chaps.  One spoke a little and was able to communicate that they were from Burma, and over here for a couple of weeks to attend some conference.  Once the conversation was initiated I began to relax a little, realizing that they are not on some inaccessible, out-of-this-world plane that I had no way of reaching.  And they appeared genuinely interested and appreciative that I took the time to speak to them.

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