Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Signage #14 / Fringe Benefits

Very, very clever.  Probably the neatest sign of all...

[continued from yesterday's post; series started 05/09]
My job at KTRM benefited me at high school in two ways.  One was that it got a bully off my back.  I was a senior at the time, and in marine science class this redneck took to picking on me.  I mean I was really intimidated, and he enjoyed intimidating me.  But when he found out I was a country DJ I invited him out to the station, and the next Saturday night he watched me do part of my show.  From then on we were buddies.

The other benefit involved the weather report.  In that same marine science class we had a teacher that gave a bonus question every Monday, which was always to write down the weather report.  I had the distinct advantage of being the one to actually broadcast that report straight from the wires the whole night before.  Admittedly, though, I was often too exhausted from staying up all night to even remember what it was.

And speaking of that exhaustion - have you ever slept with your eyes wide open?  It's the strangest feeling, and it happened to me during physics class on one of those Mondays.  It was first period.  The teacher was talking and suddenly it was all quiet.  I "came to" to discover that he and the entire class had observed that I was sitting there with eyes open, asleep.  It was quite embarrassing.

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