Saturday, June 6, 2020

Taiwan - Taipei Street Scenes, Beef Noodle Pots

The dish that is most famously indigenous to Taiwan - as opposed to China - is beef noodle soup.  I never found anything special about it, but people there go crazy over the stuff.  And they go craziest over this one shop that supposedly serves the best in all of Taipei.  So our guide and benefactor took us here one afternoon for a late lunch.

I found it interesting, not because of the food being served but because of these unique stacked pots.  So, while everyone was either waiting for it be served or after everyone had finished lunch and were sitting around gabbing, I popped out to capture them.  It's easy to imagine seeing the exact same scene (minus the electric lights in the background) hundreds of years ago.

Slightly different angle captured below:

As it happens, standing up straight after stooping down to get these images I turned around to see a television camera, no doubt aimed at my skinny bahonkus, which itself was aimed at the street while I snapped away with the Bigger Cahoona.  They spent more than an hour interviewing patrons as they exited the restaurant, but fortunately left before we left.  Crew below...

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