Monday, July 24, 2017

Denver 2017 - Tenderfoot Trail in Dillon

We looked online with our phones and scoped out some other short hikes.  One on the other side of Dillon looked easy and promising, called the Tenderfoot Trail, so there we went.

As stated in an earlier post, a snow storm blanketed the area a day or so before we got to Denver and the temperatures were now above freezing, so everything was sloppy and wet.  In the parking area we saw a couple with a small child getting back into their car and they warned us about the conditions but we charged ahead anyway - time was running short, and there were some other things we wanted to do.  Interestingly, the couple was from Austin and both had graduated high school in the Cy-Fair district here in Houston before they got married!  Small world...

The 4-shot panorama above was captured a few hundred feet from the beginning of the trail.  The tree in the middle-right foreground didn't align properly so had to fix it...a comparison is below and I think the objective was accomplished:

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