Sunday, July 30, 2017

Denver 2017 - Snowy Trees

In the car on the way out to this part of the state, as we crossed over that 11,500-foot hump, all of the tall, narrow conifers on either side of the highway were still spottily-laden with snow from the latest big fall.  Because I was driving there was no way I could concentrate on capturing anything from the highway (though Allison did a passable job with my phone camera), and was on the lookout for another opportunity.

And here it was!  When we climbed back over the snow hill to our parking area we noticed a bunch of trees donned with the same finery.  I went crazy with the shutter, and managed to get a few keepers such as this one.

It's no wonder that folks living in Colorado report a healthier lifestyle and are outdoors so much.  Forget the cold  - that's not even a factor in the thin, dry air...all you have to do is dress for and respect it.  I would relish the opportunity to explore or hike in the great outdoors, especially in the winter months.  For one thing, there's not as much wildlife to worry about.  For another, the deciduous trees provide great chances to take pictures of something through something.

Don't think it's obvious in this shot, but about now it started to snow pretty steadily and we concluded that the transition was made from flurries to an actual snowfall.  Very exciting.

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