Wednesday, July 15, 2009

From London - Hyde Park

I just got back from a trip in which I took my son and his cousin on their senior trip to Europe. After bringing home 1600 pictures, then throwing away about 400, they were finally culled down to 70 or so favorites.

Once the favorites are done I usually lay them out in Word to print and tack to the walls of my cubicle. This time, however, I decided to save the printing cost and just use this posting as an avenue to share, even among my coworkers. My plan is to post one per day until they are all posted.

So here is the first one. We arrived in London and, after getting situated in our hostel, ventured out to explore a bit. My nephew had an idea how to use the tube, so we zipped around town from here to there, taking in some of the sights.

We ended up in Hyde Park, where this picture was taken. Hyde Park was interesting, but only because of the name for me; other than initially thinking, "Wow, I'm in the storied Hyde Park of so much lore that I grew up with", it was just another park, albeit a big one. Actually, I was too exhausted to think much of anything...we were all walking around like zombies. In fact, I sat on a bench and dozed off. Upon waking up, I'd lost the kids! (They are 18 and 23, so not to worry too much.) Without venturing too far from where I'd seen them last, I walked up and down the path we'd taken for a full hour and a half before discovering they they'd been sleeping not fifty feet from the bench I'd been sitting on! Just laid out there on the grass and snoozed fitfully while I put in three miles trying to catch a glimpse of where they might be.

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