Saturday, July 25, 2009

From Athens - Palace Guards

As we made our way around to the back of the Acropolis, at its base, we looked up and saw these palace guards marching up into the structure - presumably as part of the show going on inside.

This is not the first time to see these guys. As soon as we arrived in Athens, getting off downtown from the airport shuttle bus, there were several standing at posts outside a fancy looking structure. We happened to get there just in time to see a routine they go through every hour or so. Their bright dress, rifles and red hats made for an interesting sight as they moved in choreographed unison...though not as snappy and synchronous as the palace guards at Buckingham. Seeing as how they were supposed to be guarding something, one imagined that they stood at the ready to move into action should someone decide to puncture their ranks in a nefarious plot.

And then it all went away when we looked down and saw the pompoms on their toes. Not little ones, mind you, but big fluffy ones that jiggled every time they moved their feet; the tops of them are visible in the photo posted above, on the men marching to the left. That, plus the pleated skirt that makes up part of the "bright dress" mentioned above, gives pause to the western observer.

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