Thursday, December 29, 2022

Downtown Austin 2022 - Saint Mary's Stained Glass Bookmark a

Here we are again with stained glass, this time made into a bookmark.  As in yesterday's post, had to do considerable sharpening to counteract the slight camera shake since it was so dark inside.

More stained glass pics featured in this search.

I've been thinking about what to do when this series runs out in just a few more posts.  I've gone back into the years 2021, 2020, and 2019, mining those archives for as-yet-unposted blogworthy pics, and am faced with a decision to either go back even further or simply go out and take some more pictures.  Think it would be valuable to simply go out and take some more pictures.

So where to go?  Why, the ZOO of course!  Every evening at around 7:30 the wife and I sit for an hour or so of TV time.  This is to help us wind down from the day, and also to bring Koko into a traditional family time together, which she very much enjoys because this is when we practice her tricks with treats.  And the TV show of choice nowadays is Secrets of the Zoo, which of course features all kinds of animals that sometimes grab her attention.

As we were watching the Columbus Zoo series of the show, I decided to look them up.  Turns out they rank way up there - in the top 10 world-wide - in terms of quality, care, etc.  But what we also found out was that the Houston Zoo also ranks highly among zoos in the U.S., and is even consistently in the top 25 worldwide!  Go figure...right in our back yard.  So now that the pandemic is pretty much over and it's safer to be in a crowd, think I'll mosey on over and see what we can capture.

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