Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Downtown Austin 2022 - Old Church Bell least I'm guessing this is a bell of some sort.  As could be seen from yesterday's post, it was quite dark inside the sanctuary, so was a challenge to tame the shakes out of the Bigger Cahoona.  After considerable sharpening in post-capture, am pleased with this result.

Being in this place was a reminder of the sheer volume of denominations there are, and how different they can be one from another.  The church I attend - the Church of Christ - is the polar opposite of the manner of worship found here, but the artistry and traditions are still fun to explore.

And I never imagined I'd end up in the Church of Christ.  Did quite a bit of cross-driving through Texas as a lad, and noticed that - especially in West Texas - there seemed to always be a sign entering a town about the Church of Christ and where you could find it.  Later on I discovered that the folks attending that church are, by and large, a mighty good bunch and very sincere in their study of the Word.  To top that off, I've found that, by and large, I fit fairly well in the culture...which for me is really saying something since I generally don't fit into the mainstream of anything.  This is another testament that, at its foundation, the Bible is a great leveler, stripping away things such as economic, social and physical differences (such as race) among its adherents.

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