Sunday, December 25, 2022

Downtown Austin 2022 - Saint Mary Cathedral Spires #2

Another view of same, sans traffic signals and foliage, captured when I got a bit closer.  To get just the right angle I must have made myself very conspicuous, as for this one I ended up standing squarely in the middle of a traffic lane on E 10th Street.  Not the best place to be at the time, since it was in the tail end of the morning rush hour, but knew it was a keeper when I snapped the shutter.  Guess the Good Lord watches after babies, drunks and obnoxious photographers!

This brings me to another topic - that of seeing something that would make a great photograph and not being able to capture it in the moment.  This happens a lot when we're driving.  I've had my eye on an awesome shack on Highway 6 about ten miles south of Waco for years now, but would have to stop on the shoulder of a busy highway in order to capture it.  Is it worth it?  Not while my family's in the car.  Thus, a great photograph remains anonymous as we speed by on our way to Dallas.

Another time for these is when there's a great sunset, or building, or something, that's either obscured by foliage or has telephone wires cutting across which would be a pain to remove in post-capture.  The cure?  A drone!  A new, higher-end drone was recently gifted to me, and immediately I saw the value in gaining some height, however slight.  One day, perhaps after retirement, I'll be able to use it to its potential.  In fact, I'm already thinking about the next level regarding sensor size, features, etc.  Meanwhile, the Big and/or Bigger Cahoonas will suffice just fine.

Oh, by the way - MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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