Thursday, October 29, 2020

Bookmark Project - Tokyo Bridge with GE (cityscapes) / My Best Summer

The glowing edges and found edges effects in Photoshop seem to work well for bookmarks also.  This was captured on a trip to Tokyo in 2015.


[continued from yesterday's post; series started 10/20]

The summer of 1978 - the first of my three summers in Amarillo - was probably the best in my life, in large part due to the experience of working at the slaughterhouse.  People think I'm nuts when I get nostalgic about a slaughterhouse, but without that experience I would not have learned the value and satisfaction of hard labor, and I would not have met the most important influences of my life to date - namely Ramón García, Bill Davis and the bunch responsible for my conversion to Christ, for the direction of my professional career, and for where I am (and ultimately who I married) today.  I am a staunch social, political and fiscal conservative, but must put the brakes on that once in a while because, after all, it was an illegal alien fresh from Mexico (Ramón), that steered the ship of my life at such a formative time.  And it all sprang from the kill floor of the largest, most modern slaughterhouse in the world.

None of this would have happened with my brother Bob.  I realized at the conclusion of my experience there, as well as in ensuing years, that following his advice generally results in a positive outcome.  I am forever grateful that he planted the seed that led to those experiences.

Not to mention that it was just plain fascinating!  I became intensely interested in even the smallest jobs on the floor, learning something every day about the processes that make use of every part of the animal.  Once I learned to manage the three parts of my fat-washing job well enough, I could be seen in every nook and cranny of the floor simply watching, and often asking questions.  What is this used for?  Why do they save that?  Where does this go once it's boxed?  Hence the nickname, "Mr. IBP".

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