Monday, October 26, 2020

Bookmark Project - Baylor Rock Pool (background patterns) / Washing Tendons

The family went to Baylor in Waco one time to see our niece in a performance of some sort.  It was a sunny day, and capturing what its rays did to the rocks at the bottom of this pool on campus was a no-brainer.  Have lots of bookmarks categorized as background patterns, but this is one of the better ones.


[continued from yesterday's post; series started on 10/20]

Another part of the job was to wash tendons.  Every so often I would leave my fat table and walk over to where this cute little blonde cut the tendons from the beef and placed them in a stainless steel bucket.  I would get one or two buckets full of these tendons and haul them back to my area where there were two spigots in a little room.  I would hang the buckets from the spigots and turn the water on, allowing them some time to rinse.  Then they were placed in a box on a nearby scale and weighed to 30 pounds.  After weighing, the box was closed with a strapping machine and carried to a pallete.

This is one thing that I really liked about the job, as the monotony of assembly line type of work was broken by moving to other parts of the floor and interacting with folks from different parts of the line.  I considered myself luckier than the majority, who had to remain in the same place doing the same thing for the entire shift.

Naturally I'd never seen a tendon, so asked, What in the world do they do with these things?  Turns out they were sent to China, where in places they are a delicacy.  Here I was in Amarillo, Texas, washing tendons, of all things, for consumption clear on the other side of the globe!  It was an intriguing thought.

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