Sunday, October 18, 2020

Bookmark Project - Houston Zoo Blue Bird (animals)

Naturally animals make up another category for the bookmarks.  These are the ones that I print most as a little something to send to family or friends, and this is probably my favorite of the birds (captured at the Houston Zoo).

Before starting on this endeavor I had to ask myself whether it was a waste of time to make bookmarks.  After all, who reads hard copy books any more anyway?  Even I buy a majority of the books I read on the iPad, which is far more convenient and far less expensive.  And the younger generations surely see them as an anachronism that only oldsters play around with.

The answer would be that lots of people still do, but it definitely skews to the older generations; I feel as though those around my age (62) appreciate bookmarks more and use them for the intended purpose.  Having said that, I was surprised to learn recently that a (former) co-worker puts one of these in her cell phone case, which is clear.  She uses it to readily identify her phone among others, and stated to me that it gives her a "spark of joy" whenever she sees it.  Wow, how about that!  Even though it isn't used to mark a place in books, I was delighted to know that it's being used to make someone's day a bit better.

So there you go.  Time to start on my second 500!

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