Saturday, April 2, 2016

Taipei - Mountaintop Trail Branch

Scenes like this were common on the way up.  The angles of this branch caught my eye, and I kept the exposure dark to contrast with the leaves that were struck by sunlight.

You'd think that I would have known this already, but it was on this hike that I used bracketing for the very first time.  I knew the Big Cahoona was capable of bracketing for flash, exposure and a few other things, but never tried it until now.  Almost 100% of the time during a shoot I keep the mode on P, with exposure compensation set at two-thirds of a stop dark so the highlight details aren't lost.  I figured that using bracketing would at least allow me during postcapture to choose a better one if my normal settings were not optimal, so I set it to bracket for two-thirds of a stop in each direction.  Worked pretty well on shots like this one, where darker is better.

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