Thursday, April 7, 2016

Taipei - More Banyan Roots / Desire to Write

These banyan roots are remarkable.  They seem to crawl down from most any height, wending their way to soil even if they have to crawl around or through something like this brick wall.  The example below is an extreme case.


I was visiting with some friends last night, and we got to telling stories.  Got me to thinking I need to get some down on paper myself.  After all, I've been supremely blessed with a varied and interesting life, full of blessings and experiences.

My greatest story-telling hero is Jim Wight, out of Thirsk, England.  He's the vet who wrote the All Creatures Great and Small series as James Herriot.  It's not too often that I'll read books - much less a whole set of them - twice, but I did with his and enjoyed it just as much the second time as I did the first (some twenty years earlier).  After the second reading I found out that his son wrote a biography, so I eagerly snapped it up and learned of the dedication and hard work that went into writing those books...and more publications later on.  The message was clear:  It doesn't come easy.  Once he identified his craft he worked at it patiently over a long period of time, starting in youth.

So how does one start when he's 57 years old?  There are dozens of stories shared over the years that my listeners have often said must be written down.  And at the end of the day, no matter who reads them, at least there will be something to leave for the children and their children to get to know Dad/Grandpa just a little bit better.

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