Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Canadian Rockies - Louise Creek Trail Hike, Distance Sign

On our first full day of the trip we were eager to see the ever-popular Lake Louise.  Thus, bright and early we got into the van for the short drive there, and were impressed to see how organized they were.  As we neared the entrance to the lake there were lots of cones in the road, along with personnel waving their arms and directing traffic to the seemingly ample parking area.  Excited to see the lake, we dutifully following all their instructions.  And we followed.  And we followed...until we found ourselves back on the road leading to our hotel!

Yes, they very efficiently flushed us right through the parking area and through a wooded area until we were spit back out on the highway going in the opposite direction, away from the lake!  Hmmm...must be full or something.  So what to do?

Then it dawned on us that, since this is a hiking vacation, why don't be just walk there?!?  That's when we found the trail with this sign indicating that all that driving and hassle would have covered just a few kilometers anyway.  So this was an easy solution for us, to take our first hike to the lake, killing two birds.

But there was a caveat for me.  Just a few days before leaving on this trip, eager to hit the ground running to begin retirement, I began to deep-clean here at the house.  In doing so I picked up boxes and objects that were way too heavy for this slowly-deteriorating body to endure, including an 80-lb backup electric generator, ending up with a classic case of sciatica.  And sciatica is one thing you don't want to bring on a five-day hiking vacation.  But I "soldiered on", as they say, willing my body through our daily hikes with Advil close at hand.

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