Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Bookmark - Westheimer Tulips

One of my favorite flower shots - this one was captured from the car window as we were waiting for a traffic light with the Finepix 7000 on the way to work.

Was fortunate that we happened to be stopped when this caught my eye, but can't say how many times we've passed something on the road while on the move and I've said to myself, "Gotta capture that some day."  Thing is, you can't just stop on the road, especially a highway, and any place else would be at a different angle which might not work.

There is a potential shot that will make me stop one day even on the highway, however.  Ten miles south of Waco on SH 6 - the route we take to visit our daughter Allison in Dallas - there is a colorful shed with a small tree right next to it that's had my eye for a couple of years now.  Hopefully not too much changes by the time I get around to it...

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