Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Bookmark - Bird on a Stick

One of my (former) co-workers stated that this one makes her laugh.  Must say it's a popular one when the recipients of my bookmarks are given a choice.

Gotta say that Animals are about the most interesting thing to capture, in general.  They have life, behavior patterns that can be captured even in stills, and many times are downright funny.  A zoo in Lincolnshire, England, acquired an African gray that said curse words.  They put him with some other African grays, so he taught them to curse.  The keepers naively thought that once they were on display for the public they would pipe down...but quite the opposite happened.  The public was so taken by this behavior that the reaction spurred all five of them to curse up a storm, sometimes in unison.  Finally, because of the children, they had to remove the wayward birds from the exhibit.

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