Saturday, April 25, 2020

Taiwan - Chiank Kai Shek Memorial, Panorama of Grounds

One can't go to Taipei with an interest in culture and/or history and not visit the Chaing Kai Shek memorial.  This is one of the most visited and photographed places in the Asian world, so except for this and the next couple of posts I'll be avoiding postcard-ish type pictures.

Chaing Kai Shek was an incredible individual, and worthy of study.  Being raised a Texan, I'd never heard of him until meeting my wife, and even then didn't think much of him until visiting Taiwan for the first time in 1987 (during the mourning period for his son, who'd passed away a day or so before we got there).  Then, a few years after we got married, I read a book called Wild Swans by Jung Chang and it all came together.  A read that would be worth your time.

Shot below taken from the steps of the memorial:

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