Monday, April 27, 2020

Taiwan - Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, Bridge Over Water / The Venerated D850

Very good place to take a picture of loved ones, as seen in the photos below of my lovely wife (at left in both), her sister and a friend...

Yesterday there was an article in - a website I recommend highly - that listed the best DSLR's over $2,000.  I've always been proud that for two years in a row the Bigger Cahoona made the top of the list, but now I'm EXTRA PROUD that for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW we're up there.  Not bad for a three-year-old camera with all the new technology coming out about mirrorless, etc. that one day is supposed to take its place.

More incentive to not only use it more, but BETTER...

I'm exactly three months ahead now, having posted what will publish 07/27, and will take a different tack with this blog as an experiment.  I once told my son Andrew that if there will be a following it will be because of the writing, and not the photography.  He agreed and I still think it's so.  Not that I'm after a following, or will be relaxing with the photography, but now instead of working on pictures I'll concentrate on just the writing aspect when the vibe is right.  This practice I need because, just as in photography, in that endeavor I'm only average or maybe a tad above average.  But even if only a little talent is involved, we are all called upon to make use of whatever it may be.  So for the first time I will go back into a blog entry for the purpose of writing only.  Should - or hope - it'll be interesting...

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