Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Taiwan - Chiang Kai Shek Memorial, Building Through Trees #2

Another piece of the panorama posted on the 25th.  Must be interesting (and expensive) to live in one of these apartments with a view of the memorial grounds.

Once in a (long) while I do some deep cleaning of paperwork here in the home office.  In that endeavor I came across a printout of some writing I'd done in 1999...stories of my young(er) adulthood.  It's interesting to see where your mind was at, and how it was expressed, in days gone by.  I've decided to go ahead and hammer them out here - starting tomorrow Lord willing - but will have to water some of them down because they were not written for public consumption.  In fact the candor and blunt fact surprised me in some places.

Some of the stories are short - but even the shorter ones are long by this blog's standard.  Some are long, and will have to be broken up into the span of several posts.  And I observe that they more/less ran thematically...a story about this, then a run of stories about that, then on to the next subject, etc.

And I go into this fully aware that the whole project may seem a little self-centered; they are all about me and things that happened in my life.  While I don't deny being basically self-centered, I can understand what a turn-off that is to lots of folks.  In fact, to break myself away from just writing about my own life, during the same period I wrote letters to both of my children almost daily for the purpose of focusing on something other than myself, and leaving something special for them to look back on later in life.  (In fact I gave Andrew and Allison their letters when each turned 20, which was a surprise to them because neither knew they'd been written.)

So we'll see how it goes.  Looking forward to catching up with some of this stuff of my younger days, and occasionally offering a present-day perspective of the events and their importance, or lack thereof...

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