Saturday, February 3, 2018

My New Nikon D850 - Moon Shot #1

Back in my post of 02/15/11 I wondered how much better a full-frame sensor in a camera would be with 48 megapixels.  Well, the D850 just came along with almost 46 and I thought that was close enough.  And the answer to the question?  Like night and day!  The D300s, referred to as the Big Cahoona in this blog, is a fantastic camera, but the 850 takes the potential to a whole new level.  And, due to my experience with the 300s, the learning curve has been quick and intuitive.  I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to buy one, and that the wife gamely went along.  Following tradition, this new tool will heretofore be known as the Bigger Cahoona.

It's a beast of a camera, not only in heft but in resolution, quality and file size.  In fact I've already run into issues with getting the files small enough to post, which are typically reduced to about one megapixel JPEG's.  Small considerations, though, in light of the vast potential - there is no picture that cannot be captured with a D850.  Looking forward to what lies ahead...

Knowing that such high resolution requires a steadier hand, I'll be working a bit more with a tripod; this moon shot was captured using one on our driveway here close to Jersey Village.  Pretty good, considering that the starter lens I purchased is a middling one that, at 28-300mm, has exactly the same reach as the D300s's 18-200mm...not one that would typically be used for this type of photography.

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