Thursday, December 21, 2017

Cruise 2017 - Cozumel, Tequila Plant / Coca-Cola Peddler

A couple of perspectives of the blue agave tequila plant which, to my surprise, is not a cactus but a succulent.  I remember, back in 1980 while living in Mexico, driving down highway 57 and seeing thousands upon thousands of these on either side of the road in orchards grown for the purpose of supplying the tequila industry.

On the same stretch of the highway, approximately in the middle of nowhere, I saw a man riding a bicycle on the shoulder way up ahead.  I could see from a distance that he had a box of some sort strapped to the back, and he was just peddling away in the hot sun.  I was touched, thinking that this guy worked so hard for his family, as there wasn't even a small village within 20 miles.  As we (someone, an Italian named Mauricio, caught a ride with me from Guanahuato back to San itself an interesting story for another day) got closer, guess what was on the back of that bike.  A case of Coca-Cola!  Certainly worked hard for the national drink of Mexico...

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