Thursday, November 30, 2017

Cruise 2017 - Jamaica, Macaw and African Gray

Now these birds are much, much easier to capture in a photograph.  They will sit quite still, gazing around with those intelligent eyes, probably just as curious about you as you are of them.  It's easy to see why there is a temptation for people to keep them at home as pets - in fact one time, while I was living in Nacogdoches, someone gave me a white cockatiel, named Birdie, and I thoroughly enjoyed having her around.

I can see the reasons for bird owners to clip wing feathers to keep them from flying about, but have always thought that a cruel practice, to take away an animal's natural ability solely for our amusement.  Thus, I allowed Birdie to fly around my little country cottage at will once I got home every day after work.  Whenever I settled in for some TV she would land on the arm of the couch and nudge my finger for a petting.  Once I started stroking her little head she moved it around, just like a cat, so that I wouldn't miss a spot.  Really incredible behavior for one with such a small brain!  They say birds form strong bonds, and I believe that it even extends to affection.

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