Monday, November 20, 2017

Cruise 2017 - Jamaica, Waterfront Panorama

Now on to yet another cruise!  The cruise we took this year was new to us, in terms of itinerary and destinations.  Yet I determined during the trip that it would be our last on the Caribbean.  We're just not beach people, and five of these guys - with beach-type activities making up a majority of the excursions - is enough.  Do they offer cruises up in the mountains?

Basically the only reason we went was because, being off-season, it was fairly cheap, and we'd be joined with about five other couples, some with whom we were close and some not.  But the most interesting aspect of the whole journey was that, about two months prior to our departure, my brother and a friend went on the same exact cruise on the same ship.  He wanted to see the pictures and compare notes - so this one's for you, Mike!

Being that we would be on the same ship, I tried to convince him to get a Sharpie and put a mark somewhere on the boat that I could find when we got on later.  Wouldn't do it, though...too much of a goodie-goodie.

The three-shot panorama above is probably the best captured during the seven days we were out, and one I'd like to print and mount on gatorboard for the wall someday.

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