Saturday, June 4, 2016

Japan - Orderly Society, Sidewalk Etiquette

One of the most amazing facets of life in Japan is its incredible orderliness.  My gosh, it was unbelievable how clean, neat and tidy the place is.  And because it's that way everywhere one can only surmise that everyone is like that.  As stated in an earlier posting, we were there the day after a good rain and every car, whether in the city or countryside, was spic and span.  When we were stopped at the restaurant featured in the postings of May 14th and 15th, I spotted the bus driver with a special tool wiping it down, even in the high places.  Thing was already clean!

And on the street - nowhere, but nowhere, will you find a cigarette butt, gum wrapper or even a lollipop stick left by a kid.  I looked, scrutinizing the corners where the sidewalk meets the buildings, and nothing was there.

That rigid adherence to cleanliness also applies to behavior.  I didn't know it before we went there, but, as in England, they drive on the left side of the road in Japan.  Guess what - they do that on sidewalks also!  Yes, what you see in the picture above is actually a yellow stripe in the sidewalk to separate foot traffic. And yes, they obey the rules, not even stepping on the stripe.  That stripe is not even painted on, either, but built right into the pavement with special tiles.  Look closely at the manhole cover just beneath the bag in the man's right hand.  Lines right up, doesn't it?  Yep.

And in case they forget the rules, all they have to do is look down for reminders:

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