Sunday, June 5, 2016

Japan - Orderly Society, Construction Zone

While we're on the street let's take a look at this.  Here is a man, dutifully walking on his side of the sidewalk.  But alas!  What's ahead?!?  Will there be an interruption?  Will I no longer have a yellow stripe?

Not to worry, my friend, there is someone to help you.  In fact, to let you know that he's at your disposal he's wearing a uniform and standing dutifully to guide you around the mess.  Prepared at all times.  And once he's directed you away from the blockage the cones are there, connected at the top lest you accidentally swerve into traffic.

Why the fuss?  What could be causing such a disruption?  A construction zone.  Yes, it's a construction site - but you wouldn't know it because...IT'S CLEAN!!

I was slack-jawed upon seeing the trouble they go through to keep even a construction site as clean and lollipop-stick-free as their sidewalks.  It doesn't even have DIRT!!  Aren't construction sites supposed to be dirty, even a little bit?!?  The picture below is a close-up of the white plastic tarp they put down to prevent damage to the street and, of course, to show all who pass how spotlessly they keep even a construction zone.  Also we can see that the pedestrian has made it safely to the other side:

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