Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Taipei 101 Street Performers

We ran into these guys as we were wondering around the neighborhood of Taipei 101.  Street performers do their thing in most every city, and it's interesting to see especially how the teams operate, sometimes with a sound engineer, hat passer, and others besides the performers themselves.

The guy on the left had a companion in a blue outfit nearby doing the same thing, which was stand on a pedestal and react when someone put money in a basket.  Probably the best I've ever seen of anything similar is posted here.  But the two colorful dudes in Taipei did a passable job.

The man on the right was a bit more unusual.  There was no cup or basket to collect money...he just played for the benefit of the passers-by.  Learned that he is a professor of mathematics in a nearby university and does this just for the joy of sharing.

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