Saturday, February 7, 2009

Epcot - Chinese Performer #1

Think I'll stick with Disney for a while...Epcot first.

Disney World is such an amazing place; the imagineers and management really, really know what they are doing. In any of its five parks, it is impossible to walk anywhere for more than ten minutes without seeing some sort of performance, whether on the sidewalk or in a theater.

We were making our way around the lake at Epcot and saw this girl doing all sorts of contortions on a hand-size platform. Not only was what she was doing impressive, she made it look as though she were enjoying every moment of it.

Some time after we returned home I read in PC Photo about a method using gradients that simulates certain lighting effects in Photoshop - in this case a spot light shining on a surface behind the subject. I found it creatively liberating to be able to choose from among millions of colors in trying this effect.

Interestingly, when when I tried to print it the gradient didn't come out well at all...that's when I learned that it's necessary to save in a much higher resolution than the standard 72dpi in order to get a smooth transition.

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