Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Zedler Mill in Luling, Texas

OK, let's get away from the green for a while. My favorite time to take pictures is winter, because a) I like to take pictures of things through things, and because b) I love the patterns made by leafless branches.

Another of my favorite things is old and rustic stuff.

And that is why I found myself in a bonanza on my way home from San Antonio one day. A friend, who lives in San Antonio and with whom I had been visiting during a business trip, phoned after I was already on the road and told me about this place called the Zedler Mill just outside of Luling (just a bit ahead of where I was at that moment). He takes pictures also and thought I'd like to take a look.

Boy, did I! Before I knew it, an hour-and-a-half had gone by and it was past time to go, but I vowed to come back some day and snap a few more. The picture that you see in this post is of the mill itself, and the next few postings will be pictures taken at the mill and its environs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved all the Zedler Mill pics. I liked them even better than cityscapes. They show your 'eye' for the shot better.