Sunday, December 14, 2008

Houston Arboretum #6

This picture has a unique background story. My friends and I were on that dock that you see in the background, and we saw this lady painting across the pond.

I had grown wary of taking pictures of people without their permission, so started to literally "shoot from the hip", surreptitiously clicking the shutter while holding the camera down by my side. Naturally, I didn't get anything decent in that manner, so the subject came up that we should maybe go and ask her permission.

I drew the straw, so walked down the path to meet the artist and ask permission to take her photograph. Upon being asked she looked at me and said, "Well, I don't suppose I can say 'no', as I've already painted you into my picture!" Sure enough, there I was in my shorts, red shirt and tube socks, leaning into the viewfinder taking a picture (non-surreptitiously of something else).

After taking several pictures and meeting her husband, we left...and I later e-mailed this photograph to her.

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Gemma said...
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