Monday, September 30, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - Taitung Area, Homeless Housekeeping / Employment in New York City

As can be seen here, our homeless friend has disassembled her abode to do a little housecleaning.  The umbrellas came down, things were rearranged and tidied up, and it was time to do a little laundry.  Everything done in order.  No doubt the umbrellas were put back in their place soon afterward as she faced another day.


I finished yesterday's post with my job search in Manhattan, and the search did in fact yield results in two places:

1) At the time (1984) There was much ballyhoo in the news about how desperate they were due to a teacher shortage in New York City.  I had a Texas teaching certificate with two years of public school experience behind me, so decided to take a stab at it.  I found the proper administration building in Manhattan, and they were glad to take me on as an applicant.  After finishing the application and submitting my teaching certificate they informed me that I was hired pending a background check and other bureaucratic necessities.  Due to this process I would be able to start sometime toward late October or the beginning of November.  "Where is the opening that I would fill?", I asked.  They couldn't tell me which borough it would be - could be Manhattan, or the Bronx, or Brooklyn, or Staten Island...who knows?  Thus, due to the fact that I had no desire to start classes well after the beginning of the school year, and that I could not select Manhattan as my choice for a place to teach, I decided to just forget the whole thing and search somewhere else.  Several months after moving back to Texas I got my teaching certificate back in the mail.

2) Since I'd had limited radio and TV broadcasting experience, I thought, Why not apply at NBC Studios in midtown as a Page (Guest Relations)?  On a lark I called and spoke to the lady in charge, recounting the experience gained in the medium-sized Beaumont market.  She actually sounded excited to learn that someone applying for a Page position actually had some broadcasting experience, and encouraged me to apply, all but saying out loud that I'd be a shoe-in.  I was greatly encouraged by this, but that little voice inside that we all should listen to told me that this was not the direction my life should be taking at that time.  So, reluctantly, I decided to drop the idea and move back to Texas.  Must say that it was a smooth highway back where a girl - and ultimately two kids - awaited.

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