Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Taiwan 2024 - Taitung Area, Bird on a Rock / Some Good Ol' Western Culture

Caught this on our way off of the island to which the bridge leads, as we headed back for the beach area.  I like to capture birds on top of things, as seen here and here among a few other posts.


I've taken to listening to James Gregory lately.  Being married to a Far East culture for more than 35 years, occasionally I get a hankering for some good ol' western humor from the south, and he fits the bill perfectly.  Reminds me of a few folks I knew up in Deep East Texas, a culture I very much miss since moving to the big city in 1988.

On one of our many trips to Taiwan I became so starved for some western culture that I binge-watched McHale's Navy on YouTube for two days.  Really filled a void and provided the perfect complement to my surroundings at the time...

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