Friday, September 16, 2022

Koko with Stairs

Haven't done much traveling other than Washington lately, so am having to dig into the archives to find blogworthy pics.  And what better subject could there be other than our dear darling doggy, Koko?

Chenjean and I had thought about getting a dog in retirement, just a few years away Lord willing.  But once the Covid pandemic hit in 2020 and we were home all the time anyway, we thought Why not when the opportunity arose.  And that opportunity arose when our son Andrew and his wife decided to get a dog, letting us know in the process that there were still a couple in the litter available.  These were miniature Australian Shepherds.  Andrew and Ellen had done lots of homework and found a reputable breeder up north of the Dallas area, so we thought Why not take advantage of that?  Things just fell into place, and here we are with Koko.  It was a lot of work, but a decision we do not regret, as Koko's presence has added substantially to our quality of life, and it affords us more opportunities to spend time with Andrew and Ellen on the siblings' play dates.  A win win.

I've had trouble getting good photos of her, though.  Outside it's not much of a problem, but some of the cutest Kodak moments happen indoors where it's considerably darker.  Also, I didn't spend enough time acclimating Koko to the camera and the noise it makes.  Thus, the capture-able moments are few and far between, with the pic above being a rare exception when she stayed still long enough to commit something to sensor with my middling lens.

And how could anyone resist making a bookmark out of a shot like that!

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