Saturday, November 14, 2020

Bookmark Project - New Taipei Incense (religion)

One of the all-time favorite religious-type photos I've ever captured was with the Fujifilm 7000 point-and-shoot.  It was of a man kneeling in prayer, with his hands in the typical position.  The man exuded sincerity and reverence, and you could see his body moving slightly in the cadence of his murmured prayer.  In front of him was a load of fruit left by followers of the sect, which was Taoist at this particular location.

I really, really liked the picture, but the wife fussed at me, considering it an invasion of privacy in what was, on the face of it, a very private moment.  Though it could be argued that these are public places and what the man was doing was potentially very much in the public eye, I ended up conceding that she was right to a degree.  Though I did end up posting the picture, from then on I was more careful to respect a worshiper's space and stick to photos of the implements of worship, like this one, instead of the people involved.

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