Thursday, September 10, 2020

Austin - UT Campus, Littlefield Fountain

As stated in a recent post, since our activities centered on what was between the Hampton on 17th and downtown, the fact that the UT campus was mere blocks to the north of us was not noticed.  Upon this discovery I scrambled to get a few pics in before the trip was over.

This shot turned out to be one of my more relaxing projects.  It's of the Littlefield Fountain, a WWI memorial (Wikipedia info here), and took hours to tease apart and select just the foreground and wall.  Then I scanned for pics that included decent clouds and blue sky for the background, placing them as a layer behind the selection.  And here we are.  Very relaxing...very therapeutic.

Original pic below:


Well we made a huge decision the other day...we've decided to get a dog!  And not just any dog, but a miniature Australian shepherd.  This is a high-energy animal that requires lots of attention and play time.  At first I balked, being the low-energy sort myself, but decided that having an Aussie is the perfect way to force us to spend more time outdoors exercising instead of in front of some screen somewhere.  It'll be a challenge, but we're looking forward to it.

Speaking of screen time, right away we started watching YouTube videos on how to incorporate and train Pepper (as we've already named her) into our home.  And I am working to get way ahead in these postings in anticipation that, for a few months at least, I won't have time to devote to this blog.

Obviously this will be a full-time gig...nothing wrong with that.  And even though we haven't yet met her, we already feel as though a new family member is among us.  Scheduled for pickup the 17th of next month about an hour north of Dallas, if things go according to plan.

Gotta give my children credit for this one.  This all started when our son Andrew and his wife Ellen picked one from this breeder.  They kept reminding us that a sibling was still available.  And at the same time our daughter Allison called citing the benefits of having a sibling from the same litter.  So we bit the bullet and put a deposit down.  Already it's changed our lives a positive way!

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