Monday, February 10, 2020

Taiwan - National Kaohsiung Center for the Performing Arts, Open Waiting Area / The Litter Song

This is what greets the visitor after rounding that bend to the left to go inside.  We were there before things opened up, so the lot of us were loitering here or exploring the other vast open-air hallways.  Fortunately a piano, which my nephew Terry is playing, is provided to help while away the time.  He appears to have a rapt audience of two standing and one sitting, with Chenjean and her sister, Sue-fen, sitting behind.

Another view of Terry and his audience - which was now two - below:

After Terry finished I sat down to play a song I wrote when I was twelve years old.  It is variously called "Trash" or "Litter" because the spirit came from the early-70's PSA on television about littering.  An Indian, played by Ed Ames, paddles down a pristine river in his canoe and when he stops on a sandbar you can see trash being thrown at his feet, then a trickle of tears runs down his cheek due to the damage being done to Mother Earth.  Quite moving...and the background music played five notes in succession that became the nucleus of my song.  I was pleased, and encouraged, when these ladies clapped.

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