Monday, February 3, 2020

Taiwan - Kaohsiung River of Love, Tower Profile / The Horse that Walked the Aisle

Everyone once in a while you'll see an animal participating in a wedding.  YouTube has hundreds of videos of dogs acting as ring bearers or performing some other function in the ceremony, and there is one with a couple of llamas sent in to surprise the bride.

Well, I attended a wedding in which a horse was called upon to walk the aisle.  Kevin and Megan, my best friends in college, sent us an invitation to their daughter's wedding, so the wife and I drove up to Arkansas to be there.  It was an awesome, rustic venue - a barn out in the country - surrounded by gently rolling hills and a small lake down by the way.  The ceremony itself was conducted outdoors, and the weather cooperated beautifully.

There were originally supposed to be two horses - one for him and one for her - and after saying their vows they were to literally ride off into the sunset.  But as fortune would have it the groom-to-be had a four-wheeler accident just days before the big event and was unable to sit on his horse.  Thus, we're down to one horse, a mare named Roxy.  But at the right moment she very obediently clopped down the aisle and stood long enough to see them get hitched (pun intended, sort of).  After it was over she was led down to the lake where she cavorted while the party and guests made their way up to the barn for the reception.

Of course I went nuts over all of this, as I love (and miss) the country and anything that is out of the ordinary (which I also miss).  Was tempted to bring the Bigger Cahoona, but didn't want to distract with the shutter noise or get in the way of the professional photographer hired for the occasion.  Therefore no pictures, but - besides having the chance to visit good friends - it was wonderful to be there and see a life of love begin with the help of friends and family - including those of a different species...

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