Monday, March 11, 2019

England - York Minster, Dead Guys on Biers

It was possible to get much closer to these guys that were lining the various hallways of York Minster.  And seeing more detail led to questions such as, Is there significance in the fact that the right shoe is exposed in the first two here, and not so with the guy in the background?  Two of these guys are holding a book - presumably a Bible - and the other not...does this denote rank or position within the church?  (Can't help but notice that the one without the book is elevated to a much lower position.)  These observations stir curiosity but surely are of no consequence to the men inside.

Regardless of the symbology that may or may not be there, it remains that all of these crypts are exquisitely carved and in themselves great works of art, rivaling anything seen in Greece's Parthenon, the Louvre in Paris, or created by the cultures of Asia.  Definitely worth the trouble of visiting York Minster if you ever get the chance.

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