Saturday, February 23, 2019

England - York, Keep of York Castle

Our last stop in England was in Manchester, where we spent the night close to the airport to catch a morning flight back home.  There was a little time on the way from North Yorkshire, so we stopped in York for a few hours to take in the sights.  After parking the car in the outskirts of downtown we walked into the city, where we saw an amazing sight - that of the Keep of York Castle.  Having no idea what it was or how old it was, we saw some steps and went to the top.  From there it was six pounds to get in so we just hung around at the top of the hill, from which I snapped the pic that will appear in tomorrow's post.

Very interesting that this structure has been here for some 900 years, exactly as it appears on this hill.  A good picture of what it looked like in the 14th century appears in this Wikipedia article.  Lots happened here...if only those walls could talk!

Picture below is the entire hill, which overlooks a modern scene nothing like what an observer would have seen in medieval times.  The image underneath is the original, straight out of the camera, to compare and demonstrate the data-capturing power of each pixel in the Bigger Cahoona's awesome sensor:

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