Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Alaska Cruise - Juneau, Nugget Falls

This waterfall was huge - the biggest I'd ever seen or been close to - and loud!  To think of the amount of water tumbling over these rocks moment by moment.  The sandbar in the foreground obscures a pile of boulders at its base that you can actually climb onto and feel the awesome power literally at your feet; I was surprised that some parents actually allowed their young kids to do this.

Naturally the Bigger Cahoona and I had to have a look, stepping from rock to rock until reaching a position close to where the lady is reaching up with her right arm.  Amid the spray and thunder, and being so close to it, made capturing a decent photo very difficult.  It was fun, though, and an experience I won't soon forget.

Only in post-capture did I realize that the couple to the right was creating a moment they wouldn't soon forget as well...

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