Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wortham Fountain 03

This is the hub from which the spokes of the fountain originate. Even at 1/120 second exposure, the movement of the water is fast enough to produce the streaking that you see.

Speaking of stats, this came in at an f-stop of a mere 2.8. That and the very low ISO, plus an ingenious chip design, are what make pictures like this possible, and what make the Fujifilm line stand apart from the rest. I really do wish a decent line of SLR's were available up to full frame, as Fujifilm would have been a no-brainer choice had they been available when I was looking...

Fujifilm Finepix 3800
ISO-100, f/2.8, 1/120 sec
Photo taken 06/29/07 by Jim Mahood

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